Friday, September 12, 2014

Bowman Platinum and My First Ever 2014 Set Rankings

Generally I like shiny cards, especially ones of my favorite players. That's why I decided to add a few cards from 2014 Bowman Platinum in my recent Just Commons order.

And honestly, the lack of color on the design with a blurry background leaves me feeling 'meh' on these cards. They do look slightly better in person than they scan, because of course they are shiny. And of course I am glad to add any cards of these guys to my collection, but I feel like this is a base set that's missing what makes cards appealing to me, good action shots where you can see more than just the player, and/or more color.

And here we have the backs of the cards, with minimal stats and the metallic look.

I realized while scanning these cards that I've developed a sort of internal ranking on the 2014 base sets as I've picked up at least a few base cards from a lot of them. So of course I feel like I should share these rankings with you. I am only going to include sets that I have actually picked up cards from. We're going from least favorite to favorite here.

8) Donruss - No logos, no likey. Donruss comes in last.

7) Bowman Platinum - For the reason's I've listed in this post, but at least these have team logos.

6) Topps Archives - I like some of these, but they have several different designs in the same base set. I'd rather Topps just stick to one design and go with it for that year. Maybe I'm alone on that.

5) Topps - Affordable, lots of players, and I like the design just fine.  I think 2015 Topps will come in higher on the rankings.

4) Allen & Ginter - I guess A&G comes in next. It was fun to read all the box break posts while not spending much on it myself. I don't know that this year's is my favorite Ginter design, but I like the unique cards that show up in the set.

3) Topps Chrome - I've already written about how much I enjoy Chrome. I like shiny base cards and I like any and all versions of refractors. I've still yet to pick up a refractor or base cards of my favorite players. I need to fix this!

2) Gypsy Queen - I enjoy this set each year and I think it would rank near the top in just about any year. I think the color in these cards is why I like it so much.

1) Topps Heritage - My favorite set every year. About the time I started this blog, I looked back through a box of all the baseball cards in my collection, and about a fourth of them are probably from Heritage sets over the years. I've bought more packs of Heritage sets over the years than any other, and 2014 might be my favorite base set yet. So it comes in at the top of my list.

And there you have it, my personal 2014 set rankings!


  1. I actually don't mind the lack of logos w/Donruss, but the design also seemed kinda flat. Good inserts, though, IMO.
    I'd agree that Heritage tops them all, but would rank Allen & Ginter higher and Gypsy Queen lower. I dunno, I just can't get into GQ. I too, am looking forward to 2015 Topps.

  2. I think I just got Ginter overload from all the blog posts on it. I feel like I've opened 2 boxes of it when in reality I've only opened 1 pack.

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